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on being loved

Meigui Loves too many things, and too many people.
There's too many things to accomplish in too little time. There's too few things to do in too much time.
Patrick is the star of my life. MORE?


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Crossed three thousand and one yards to get that flower.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
January 18's post:

My resolutions for 2008

1. Do not give up on Maths.
2. Do not abandon Physics.
3. Do not pretend Chemistry doesn't exist.
4. Enjoy mugging.
5. Stop trusting everybody.


MY MATHS HOLIDAY ASSIGNMENT IS DUE IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS TIME AND I. HAVEN'T. STARTED! /OMG Resolution #1 is stupid and should seriously be ignored.

Physics test scored a hefty 1 upon 20. No I didn't forget to type the second digit. It's one, like my register number. But it's still wayyy better than Peter (read Zero). :D Resolution #2 should be ignored too!

Chemistry was much better because I exceeded my expectations by 2 and a half marks when the Chem test scored a even heftier 6.5 upon 25. Like woah. Pro or what. And the best thing is, teacher never count marks wrongly! So I really got 6.5!!! :D (way proud) Resolution #3 will stay because I've decided not to ignore the pretty 6.5 I scored! :D LOL.



Okay. Resolution #6. Don't laugh at myself.

Ho. Lee. D:

On a brighter note, I think I've a fifty percent chance of passing the coming Maths test because I UNDERSTAND VECTORS! /OMG! Thanks to the class shen JIAXIANG for his teach-until-sore-throat-then-we-finally-get-it Maths lessons. He's damn nice can. Staying back in school just to teach us, and coming up with examples for us to try, making sure we got the answers correct, checking every now and then that we understand, and going over again and again when we don't, with so much patience I think he can win a staring contest with the wall. He's really damn nice. I should treat him lunch someday.

It's amazing how he can teach me Maths and that I actually understand now. (I'll not let Guohao the Mai Lai/Shi Ye/Ying Liao Lor/Oh Well laugh at me when I'm stuck at Question 1(b) of Basic Mastery ever again. HERH.)

Okay, bedtime. (I forgot about Maths, like seriously. I really forgot about Maths holiday assignment. LOL).


8:25:00 PM because I say so
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Story of the 8 Rulers
The other day, during GP lessons, we talked about needs and wants and the teacher told us to write down a list of needs and wants in our little groups. And being irritating little kids, we've to think about complicated sophisticated (redundant adjectives, I like) stuff instead of the usual food, air, water under needs and car, credit cards, mp3 under wants.

So somebody said bus rides are wants because we don't really need them to survive. Like people in the past used to walk really long distances. The women in those red scarf hats used to walk 2 hours to get to the construction site just so they can all together move one quarter of what the tractor can move today. Lol.

Then somebody said clothes are wants. That somebody said, it's because everyone else wears clothes, that's why to us clothes are needs. If no one wears anything around, clothes are plainly unnecessary. Which makes perfect sense, in a way. But clothes are needs if you live in a really cold place because they keep you warm and keep you from freezing to death. Ha.

And then somebody said money is both a need and a want, because when you need it to get a need, it's a need. But then when you need it to get a want, it becomes a want. So my teacher went on to explain money is actually just paper. And that it's a neither a need or a want, but then we can't do without it. So that sounds like a need. But then if you're on a desert island, you don't need money because money can't buy you water, or food or shelter. So even when you need it, you don't actually need it. Get it?

... Lol.

Oh, and during my group discussion (group of 3 LOL, other groups were all groups of 5, don't ask me why), I said family and friends are needs but this other guy in my group insisted they're wants because we still can survive without them. So I argued with him, saying you can't live healthily all alone, you need people around you. So family and friends are needs. But then he insisted some people are fine and alive without family and friends. So we both looked at this other girl who made up the rest of our group to see which side she takes. She looked really afraid LOL. Then she said something like, why not we have a truce, we put family as needs and friends as wants...

But I was stubborn. So I said no, both family AND friends are needs. And the guy was stubborn too and he said no, both family AND friends are wants. LOL.

In the end, when the teacher came round to our group and we told her about our problem, she sided with... me! :D Haha. She said we need people around us to be mentally healthy. Which was my whole point actually, herh. Lol.

I think GP lessons are interesting because the teacher makes us think of controversial, ironic, oxymora stuff so I feel abit cleverer during her lessons. Just that there's DOUBLE GP lessons on Monday and Wednesday and another single GP lesson on Tuesday.

Anyway, speaking of needs and wants, I think it varies from person to person. (Like how the guy in my GP group thinks family and friends are wants, goes to show... Ha nevermind.)

It's 9.06pm and I'm not asleep because I had a really long afternoon nap.

On a very random note, do you know Jimmy collects rulers? ROFL. I'm dead serious, she was telling me happily the other day that she has FOUR 15cm plastic rulers at home and another FOUR 30cm plastic rulers at home. So I asked her what does she want to do with EIGHT rulers, it's not like they can grant her wishes or keep away evil spirits. ._.

MG: You want so many rulers for what.
Mel: Oh. Cause when you lose one ruler you have extra mah.
Mel: Oh. Cause I bring one to school then I need one at home to feel secure. (Or something along that line.)
Mel: Oh. Haha. I don't know. I like rulers.

Okay, maybe she didn't say I like rulers. But I bet that's what she's thinking anyway.

And, you want know something even more random than collecting rulers?

You know what's her hobby. YOU KNOW WHAT'S HER HOBBY.





Lol. The first time she said it, I thought she meant like, get 1kg of dried little shrimps and sit in a remote corner of her house and start counting how many dried little shrimps make up 1kg. But no, actually she meant live shrimps swimming in a tank. And if you're wondering where did that tank of swimming live shrimps come from, here's the next random thing about her!

She has a tank of live shrimps as pets!


How random. Lol.

January is ending soon and I haven't touched the Maths HOLIDAY assignment due end of this month. You know what. The other night I stayed up so late at night to finish copying copying copying copying with some degree of understanding my Physics holiday assignment. And the next day I handed it up to the teacher with such pain and angst (that's trade for my precious sleep time hello) and she returned it back to me ON THE SAME DAY, actually within the same half an hour. I felt so cheated. :( Okay fine, I copied. I cheated first. Lol.

I think Kate Nash's songs are nice.

Listen to them here.

It's almost ten. I should sleep and get ready for my favourite day of the week tomorrow! :D I still like Mondays. :)

Bye! :)

8:45:00 PM because I say so
Friday, January 25, 2008
Jay's new song for KUNG FU DUNK, Chevalier Chou, 周大俠. Ha.

Click HERE to hear it. Lyrics are HERE. :)

I don't know why but the song kept reminding me of KO ONE.

To watch MV of the song, click HERE. Ha.

Anyway, for extremely high quality videos of the concert /OMG I almost cried watching the opening Huang Jin Jia here.

Wu Shuang here.

Zui Hou De Zhan Yi here. Oh my I really like his mic.

Ah. :(

3:44:00 PM because I say so
Thursday, January 24, 2008

With two of my long-time best friends down sad over family matters, there's nothing anyone can do except to try to cheer them on.

I really hope things will start getting better for both of you.

Today's not even Friday.

10:03:00 PM because I say so
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
J2 :(
Taking a break from probabilities because the probability of me going crazy from the never ending fractions that is so fragmented I feel like a lost child (doesn't make sense but I can't make sense now anyway) is very high and don't you think this is a really long and irritating sentence?


I'm losing precious sleep so maybe I should hurry up and finish the probabilities tutorial that's due last week and the vectors tutorial that's due today and the first 3 questions of the other vectors tutorial that's due tomorrow so that I can go and sleep. But even typing out everything that's due tomorrow took up three lines in this small box here. I feel really demoralised.


Physics HOLIDAY assignment due this Friday and the Maths HOLIDAY assignment due next Thursday is still fresh!

I think HOLIDAY and HOLAN has the same first three letters for a special reason.


Mr Tan Wei offered help for the very-needy-Physics-pupils VNPP aka Laimeng and I today.

TW: So should this m here be m1 or m2?
MG/LM: -stares- ...
MG: m1.
LM: m2.
TW: Okay, you all argue it out.
MG: ... Uh. Cause. m1 lah. You see here. Here is 1, 2 then 1. So here should follow the pattern. ._.
LM: Huh. No what. Here is 1, 2, 1. So here should be 2 lor.
MG: Oh yah. So is m2.
TW: So?
MG/LM: m2.
TW: ... It's m1.


Kind of. Hopeless. Lol.

TW: So if this times this is positive, this times this is?
LM: ... Negative.
TW: Negative. What about you?
MG: Negative.
TW: ... It's positive.


Tags >

Fiona > Aha very busy!! After you get your results lah okay? We go celebrate :D
Aaron > What's the point. You don't even like him. Herh.
GEAD > Stop being so gead can. The handstand is NOT slanted. Your head got so heavy it lost its center of gravity for a moment and tilted THAT'S WHY. Videos, go Youtube search lah. Youtube is flooded with his concert videos.
gillian > Haha yah!! Why give those people the backstage passes. >:( Ungrateful people.

Okay break over. Back to Probability. Then Vectors. Then more Vectors. :(

Jaycee tool veh no life. :(

8:58:00 PM because I say so
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I forgot to touch Chem today.

On purpose.

So that when I fail, I can say, aiyah I never study and make it sound like I can pass if I studied. :O

Why do I feel that whenever I'm happy the world can't wait to drag me back to the insatiable land of emo people.


I left Sandy at the indoor stadium because she refused to go home. Okay actually I planted her next to Jay since only I can see my imaginary friend and now she can come back and tell me everything about Jay.

I don't know what to do for Chem test tomorrow. I hope I don't laugh out at my answers too loud. Eh actually I should. Then they disqualify me for the test and so when I fail I can say, aiyah I see the paper so easy I laugh out too loud then they disqualify me. HAHA.

Oh my, whatever happened to my new year resolution #3: Do not pretend Chemistry doesn't exist. AHHHH.

OKAY LAH. I won't sleep until I know what arenes is ALL about tonight.




I feel like laughing now.


NAH. I'm determined. :D Bye bye!

8:38:00 PM because I say so
Concert pictures
Pictures of Jay Chou World Tour 2008, only 15 of the pictures here were taken by me. The rest are by Ann and her 7.2 megapixels godlike camera. :D


In the train to Kallang. Picture of Ann taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking a picture of me taking a picture of her taking of me and so on. I love never-ending stuff. Like Ecstasy, or the Marian-Weiyuan-Sufen-Guohao-many people story, or the story about how Jay will come out from the metal gates and up the ramp and above the cars and around and around and back into the metal gates and out from the metal gates and up the ramp... Okay nevermind.

Anson and I! I still think he looks better in specs.

Indoor stadium!

MY TICKET. AHHHH. Seat 13. 13 is a really unlucky number and I wanted 8 because Huat ah! or lucky 7 but then I don't know who took those tickets so, nevermind lah. :D

Stall selling merchandise at North entrance. It was mega craziness. Gead went to queue at 3.30pm and almost everything was sold out already. He helped me get the black handphone thingy though.

ADORABLE isn't it.

We pre-ordered the other stuff. Teeshirts lah, handphone straps blah blah. Have to collect on 17th Feb. :)

gillian, lightstick and me. :D

Pre-concert but inside the stadium

Jay fans.

Everyone got a 1 LOVE U JAY green hand. That's my hand and lightstick! By the end of the concert I had three hands because Anson didn't want his hand and I picked up another one along the way. Lol.

Lighted lightstick! :D

Me, gillian, Sheryl and Meiching! :D

Ann, me, gillian, Sheryl and Meiching! :D

Ann and I!

We tried taking this shot many many times but it's either I got cropped away or Anson got cropped away. And then we realised! We can get someone to take for us what. ._.

Gead is not in any of the pictures because no camera can fit his whole head even if you zoomed out to the max. At most can take eye only. HAHAHAHA.







Followed by WU SHUANG! Eh feathers gone. Haha.





I love this picture. They played Zui Chang De Dian Ying MV on the screen while Jay sang the song. The MV rocks. Everything about Jay and the concert rocks. :D




The controversial hot girls around Jay when he sang Ye Qu. My heart broke. :( I think those girls didn't get paid to dance around him. They pay to dance one lor. I like the huge pink high heels though.

(It's taking forever for all the pictures Ann took to reach me. 111 files sent so file. MORE TO COME! :D THANKS ANN!)


JAY CHOU'S WAI PO (grandmother) came out and tango-ed during Mi Die Xiang!! :D :D :D Uber cute. :D

JAY AND NAN QUAN MA MA! Hilarious conversation. Hahaha. :D Dan Tou is funny.

The distorted Bu Neng Shuo De Mi Mi LOL.

(The sending rate is like 1 minute per photo. Lol. 7.2megapixels leh. Stupid large files :D)

SHUANG JIE GUN version hen-hao-ting! :D Red guitar! WOO.

And then NQMM left the stage and Jay sang Kai Bu Liao Kou and it rained papers.

We shouted for ENCORE ENCORE (ZHOU JIE LUN WOOO!) and Jay came out with drums!


Then he was gone again and I was so sad I couldn't stop crying! ENCORE!!!!!

Jie Lun come out leh. :(

And because Jay can't bear to see me cry (yah right), he appeared and this time! IT'S GU ZHENG!!!!!!! :D

Note the ultra cute hair. Can he get any more talented? He played Fa Ru Xue for half the song and sang the next half. :O

AND THEN HUO YUAN JIA. Omg I agree with Jiahao it's written as a concert song lah! Highness to the max of the max of the max of the max to the infinity max lah.

Fan spinning stunt! :D :D :D WAYYYYYYY COOL! :D

Ended with Shuang Jie Gun. On a wayyy high note. :D The hand stand didn't ruin the image, stupid gead. You so li hai you do hand stand lah. Only your head can stand lor. Herh.

I'm DONE. -unbelievablur-

Damn happy. :D


11:54:00 AM because I say so